Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I think this will be my last daily update. I'll probably log on once a week for a while but right now things will be mostly gradually uphill in re-hab for up to 10 days. Brian is sitting here now waiting to be taken to rehab. He is dressed in sweats with hooded jacket so he looks like a gangsta. He says he could walk to rehab which is just across the street. Of course he couldn't but he certainly could go in a wheel chair if the rules permitted. But, the rules don't permit. In order to travel directly across the street, it is necessary to have a wheel chair to go down stairs, then an ambulence to drive across the street and a wheel chair to meet him at the curb and go in to the rehab facility. The ambulnce which was expected an hour ago now may not come for hours says the nurse. Nonetheless I think Brian has had excellent care here and we are grateful. With this last daily message, I'm going to try to send some photos to show his dramatic progress but don't count on it working. Oh, by the way, people can visit him in re-hab without the gear if you want to. Brian says hi to everyone. Pat --Ookay photo thing worked but as a separate blog which will probably show up above this. Also the order looks wierd but you can figure out from early to late pictures. Bye, Pat


  1. Yipee!!! Such wonderful progress. If Brian is going to the Lovelace rehab, it is wonderful. Wanted to get Jack in that one, but couldn't. He will do well there and be home in no time. WIll call to see when he will not be exercising so we can make a short visit. jetta and Jack

  2. Hi Pat and Brian--Mary has tried to connect a couple times but had some trouble with the blog. So glad to hear Brian is getting better. Mary has been in touch with Ethel and she was so glad to hear Brian's voice today. Keep working hard in rehabilitation and continue to get better!! As the blog may be closing, will keep in touch by email. xoxoxoxoxox
    Mary Ellen and Bill (

  3. Thanks, Pat, for the pictures. I can read your messages loud and clear, but posting comments has been very difficult. So if you haven't heard from me, that's the reason why.

    Brian, work hard at that therapy.

