Thursday, April 23, 2009

Good Morning
Brian's news is less good today. Although we are essentially unworried about his heart now, the infection continues to cause more concern. Over night one of culture studies came back indicating that an additional bacteria has been identified which is fairly virulent and contagious so now anyone going into his room has to wear a mask. They are giving him the strongest antibiotic possible but that has drawbacks of it's own as it kills everything excluding staph and some other particularly nasty stuff---but including good bacteria. They've bee suctioning gunky stuff out all night. The nurses said they expected the pulmonologist would do another bronchoscopy but he was just in and says not yet. I'm not crazy about the pulmonologist--though I love the cardiologist. Because of the mask issue--it isn't a good idea for anyone to come who wants to see Brian for a while.
My daughter, Kim, has been here much of each day with me and that has been a great help to me. I'd like to see other people now but probably not more than one a day just now. feel free to call 249-2216 if you'd like to visit. Thank you all again for all of your kind wishes and offers of help. Brian will be glad to receive all of your notes when he is able but I am grateful right now. Pat


  1. This must be a hard roller coaster, Pat.
    Thank heavens for antibiotics!
    I'll keep you both in my heart... Christine

  2. This post was earlier today. I'm anxious for an update, but only when you want to. Brian has meant more to me over the last 40 years than I could have ever imagined. Off and on, he has been my truest, best friend. So I am keeping you all in my heart and, more importantly, (or maybe the same)in my prayers.Perservere, and do call if you want to talk. I'm here.I will be in Indy next week, but Kim has my cell.

  3. This is my own comment just to see how this works since a few people have had diffiiculty signing in. Pat

  4. Hi Pat and Brian, Nell here.
    I sent Brian a card today that I think he will like when he is up to it. This is so hard, but Brian is very strong and hopefully can fight this infection off without any other serious consequences. And you are strong too. But don't forget to lean on us when you need to,

  5. Pat - We met you and Brian when you were in Denver - we are Debby and Bill's friends. We are pulling for you and Brian with all our hearts, and we will be checking frequently to find out how he and you are doing. - Mary and Steve Phillips
